
Why can't I switch spelling language in Mac OS X directly?

One thing that really has been a thorn in my side for a long time is the way the spell checker works in Mac OS X.

Spelling wise I have no complaints but rather the fact that I have to go through multiple steps in order to change the spelling language is really annoying. I frequently have to change between Dutch, English and Swedish and every time I have to repeat the same process:

- Right click to get the context menu
- Select "Spelling and Grammar".
Who doesn't like hierarchical menus?

- Select "Show Spelling and Grammar".
Dialogue with more menus, hurrah!

- Select the language I want to use in the Spelling and Grammar dialogue.
- Close the window

Way, way to many steps for something that simple.

I have been scouring the internet for a solution for some time but I have found nothing of value yet. I even looked through the API of NSSpellChecker and Status Bars to see if I could write a program for it. A partial victory was realising that I could use Command-Shift-: to get directly to the dialogue but it's a far way from efficient.

The closest I've come to a solution is the article Switching spelling languages on CoCoa Crumbs. However the solution didn't work on my machine and it is not very elegant because it just automates the process, the dialogues still flash by.

I mean what is the point of the Spelling and Grammar dialogue anyway (I only use it to switch language)? Why not have the languages available in the context menu directly?

Or perhaps I should just learn to spell correctly in the first place.

Please Apple just google "switch spelling mac os x" and realise that there are many people out there who would see it as a massive improvement if we were able to change spelling language directly.

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