
Working and Sittning at Wermlands

My girlfriends friend Jenny and her boyfriend Torsk was in town over the weekend. She is a big shot at Wermlands nation in Lund and she and her boyfriend was in town to attend the spring prom hulabaloo. Lacking a tail suit I couldn't attend the main event much to my girlfriend's grief. Instead we went to the warm up party the night before. I feared it was going to be a really internal affair but much to my surprise I really enjoyed myself.


Bum life weekend

This weekend my girlfriend and the dog left for her mom's. Which means that I had the house to myself between Thursday and Saturday. Since I've got an insane amount of work in school right now I've spent the weekend in front of my computer writing. To keep me company Simpsons, American Dad and Family Guy was running most of the time from my girlfriends computer hooked up to the television set. Busy trying to figure out how the Gabor function applies to Gestalt law's I didn't bother much with the dishes and more and more plates started to pile up in the kitchen.

Around 12ish Saturday the doorbell rang. It was the new tenants (the ones who are going to move in after I leave for Amsterdam) and they wanted to look around to see what the apartment was like. Unfortunately this was at the height of my bum life weekend. I greeted them and showed them around but they seemed pretty eager to go when they saw the kitchen, the geek nest in the living room (3 laptops running at once) and the fact that I was only wearing one sock probably didn't help either.


Must start somewhere

Inspired by my friend MK I've decided to start my own blog.

Since I'm moving to Amsterdam to begin life as an Expat I've decided to blog about my shenanigans and hijinxes abroad.

Until I have a place to put my server, blogger will do. This is my first post