
Blog publishing applications on Mac OS X: part I

Now that I decided to take blogging more seriously I've quickly found the web based interface for posting somewhat limited. This blog is hosted on Blogger which I think is a great free service and it saves me the hassle of setting up WordPress.

What prompted me to start investigating blog publishing applications is the blog composer in Blogger. All is fine as long as you use the WYSIWYG mode but once you want to do anything more demanding and switch to html the problems start to build up. The really big problem is that the dumb html editor interprets line breaks as break tags. That means that any tabs you insert to help you structure your html code will affect the layout. So basically forget doing cool stuff using using css floats and tables. Uploading images is also a hassle since the don't appear where you have your cursor but instead on top of the page. My last complaint is that the WYSIWYG mode frequently freaks out and displays everything in massive letters.

Therefore I have taken it upon myself to review the three main blog publishing applications on Mac OS X: Blogo, MarsEdit and ecto.

Stay tuned!

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