
Belastingdienst, Eindhoven and luggage


Working at Eindhoven

Pata Negra

I just came back home from eating dinner with Björn, Johan, Jonas and some of their friends. The food was good but the service was horrible. It was a tapas bar and it took ages for the next course to get served. Maybe it's a plot to get people to order more drinks. Anyhow, I'm still feeling very full.

Today I got my burgersevicesnumber (preciously known as sofi-number) from the belastingdienst. I called them a few days ago and they called back again and set up an appointment. I went to a large brown building near Sloterdijk station and got a queue number, sat down and waited. A very unfriendly woman took my details and ten minutes letter gave me a paper in Dutch with my very own burgerservice number. Smooth...

Other than that things are going well. A guy from DHL dropped the luggage of yesterday. I became technical manager for a project. It might be interesting to see how that turns out. And getting up at 5 to go to Eindhoven is not as fun as it sounds but I guess I'll get used to going there every wednesday.

Tomorrow is casual friday.

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